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Hotplate’s pricing

Last updated July 19, 2024

Hotplate’s core mission is to make the food industry more accessible to anyone with the talent and skills to make amazing things. From that mission, we try to take as little money as possible from our Chefs so someone from any socioeconomic background or business stage can run their food business easily. These are the fees we charge

Payment Processing

The fee we charge Chefs is the payment processing fee that Stripe, the company we use to handle card payments, charges us. We do not take any cut from this charge, and forward it directly to Stripe.

This fee is 2.9% + 30¢ per transaction.

Hotplate Fee

For Hotplate to make revenue, we charge a fee to our Chef’s customers at checkout, usually amounting to $1.35 on a standard order. We charge this fee based solely upon subtotal, and we never take any additional fees from tip, tax, delivery fees, or anything else our Chef’s charge.

This fee is 5% of the order subtotal + 55¢.

Do you take any additional fees when I payout?

Nope! All our fees are accounted for on a per order basis.

How customers see our fees

At checkout, any customer can see the fees we charge before they enter their card info, under a line item called “Taxes and Fees”. See the below screenshots for an example:

Fees Structure

Always feel free to reach out to us at or text / call us at (214)833-9248, and we'll gladly help you with anything you need!

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