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Help CenterPayments and PayoutsHow to withdraw earnings from Hotplate (payout)

How to withdraw earnings from Hotplate (payout)

Last updated January 16, 2025

As soon as you get some orders through Hotplate, you’ll have money available to withdraw to your own bank account. You can see a record of all your transactions and as well as the total amount you have available to withdraw in the Payout tab of your Hotplate portal.

The first time you payout:

  1. Open the Payout tab on the left side of your Hotplate portal
  2. Follow the prompts at the top to set up the connection to your bank through our partner, Routable. You’ll be taken to another site (that’s ok!) and brought back when the process is complete.
  3. Depending on your bank, you may be able to select how fast you want the payout to arrive. If you don’t see a menu with options, then skip this step.
  4. Click Payout
  5. You may also be asked to log in again with your phone number. This is an added layer of security to make sure its really you withdrawing the money!

When will I see the money in my bank account?

Depending on your bank and how much you have available to pay out you will see some or all of the following options to payout:

Delivery methodWhen you'll receive paymentFee for transactionCutoff timeTransaction limit
Standard ACH4-5 business daysFREE2pm PDT$100,000
Expedited ACH2-3 business daysFREE2pm PDT$25,000
Next Day ACH1 business dayFREE2pm PDT$25,000

Keep in mind that missing a cutoff time can potentially delay your payout longer than you might expect. For example, if you initiate a payout on Friday afternoon/evening, you won't receive it until Monday evening.

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