How to text your customers
Last updated January 21, 2025
Chefs love that Hotplate automatically texts your customers when Events go live, but did you know that you can also send out one-off text messages to your customers anytime?
To text all your subscribers:
We most often see chefs texting their entire customer list to let them know about upcoming events, updates about their busienss, or to remind them to order from an ongoing Event.
To send a custom message to all your SMS subscribers:
- Go to your Customers tab (on the left)
- Click the 3 dots in the top right
- Select Text Customers
- Compose your message and see the preview
- Click Text Customers
Here’s a super quick video to walk you through it:
To text customers with open orders
You can also choose to text just the customers with open orders (you can tell whats open by the tickets on your Packing tab). Chefs often do this to let customers know about any changes in pickup times or location. To do this:
- Go to your Orders tab and switch to Packing at the top left of the screen
- Click the three dots in the top right
- Click Text Customers
- Compose your message, preview it, then click Text Customers
Here’s a super quick gif that shows you where to click:

Previewing your text message
Anytime you compose a one-off text message, you’ll get a preview if what your customers will see like this: